Organic Certification Consulting

Tasty Safety works with the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) exclusively for Organic Certification in Hawaii. CCOF is accredited by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP). In addition to all livestock, and vegetable certification, CCOF can certify Hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the domestic production of hemp and hemp derived products. This enables CCOF to certify hempand products containing ingredients derived from hemp such as CBD. Producers are responsible for ensuring hemp production and final products meet all Federal regulations including but not limited to the 2018 Farm Bill and FDA requirements for CBD production and sales.

Our firm consulted for Ni’Ihau Ahiu Provisions and was granted CCOF Organic Certification for 44,475 acre in the Hawaiian Islands. CCOF requires Organic System Plans (OSP) and Tasty Safety can handle all of your OSP requirements with ease. You can use the CCOF Log

Joseph Realdine

Why Choose Tasty Safety?

Organic Inspection – Experts at writing Organic System Plans for Farming Industry. Recently completed 23 organic system plans for a private Hawaiian Island. This resulted in 69.5 acres being approved as Organic from CCOF.

The only USDA-FSIS federal grant of inspection consultant in Hawaii who worked as a USDA Regional Import Field Supervisor (RIFS) for the Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) and also as a Frontline Supervisor for nearly 30 years.

We help with sanitation, product flow, responsible receiving and purchase, preparation, cooking (lethality), cooling (stabilization) and distribution.

We are experts in multiple food safety protocols. We can design and help implement HACCP and SSOP food safety systems plans within 48-hours.
Our firm can assist in forming a supportable position in defense of bad government legislation that will not protect the consumer and harm the food manufactures.

Outstanding service and efforts protecting public heath through collaborative FDA/USDA inspections that removed Listeria monocytogenes adulterated food products from consumer channels.

Leveraging Collaboration Award

I would like to recognize the professionalism of Inspector Joe Rea dine who demonstrated to our government official and Argentine company representatives FSIS’s inspection procedures. I understand this experience will help to minimize future inspection delays and shipment problems.

Jose D. Molina
Minister-Agriculture Affairs
Embassy of the Argentine Republic

Mr. Realdine, compliments your professionalism and cooperation. It is very gratifying to hear such good things about District inspectors. I want to add my appreciation, not only for the way you handled this particular incident, but also for the continued excellent work you are becoming known for. Thanks!

George Puchta
United States Department of Agriculture

Mr. Realdine’s outstanding professionalism and his fast and efficient actions saved us from a tremendous humiliation since the whole project was jeopardized and months of work was eliminated. Without any hesitations we should state that USDA must be very fortunate of having at its force, officers with Mr. Realdine’s caliber of professionalism and efficiency. Mr. Realdine is really promoting the good will and exceptional international relationship amongUSA and Europe in the field of Agricultural services.

Kosatas Katsandris

It is a pleasure working with someone who takes such a positive approach, a problem solver who always tries to find a sensible solution, while working within the regulatory framework. He is a real plus.

David Biltchik
Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma