Here are some tips for food sellers who provide self-serve drink stations for their customers. Beverage lids should always be stored in a sanitary manner. Lids should be stored behind the counter and only your employees should handle these lids in a safe manner. Covid-19 means that we must change our thinking on protecting the public.
Many food courts and restaurants store their beverage lids next to or very close to the soda machines. If I would observe folks coughing and instead of coughing at the soda machine, one would turn to their head, that would send potential pathogens right into the direction of the lids. Lots of folks touching and retouch lids.
The lid holder should also be stored in a protected container, not open for contamination.
Additionally, staff should ensure that lids are always facing up. Upside down lids act as a vessel catching anything that blows that way.